Easter holiday Dorset 2016

We travelled to Dorset via train and buses during the Easter holiday in 2016. It was our first Dorset holiday with my 5 years old and found the way to the camp absolutely beautiful. Leaving a noisy city like Brighton and Hove and go into the nature , always has a wonderful impact on my wellbeing and the time when we arrived to the camp , I felt the ultimate happiness of being outdoor and experiencing another county in England. During the week long camp we practised climbing up on cliffs and abseil down. I belayed someone st the very first time of my life and it was a great but scary experience in the same time. I had to focus a lot and keeping my self focused for quite long what was a challenge but worth it. We learnt about edible food and I cooked couple of time nettle teas and enjoyed all the health benefit what it bought to me. My 3years old son particullary enjoyed being engaged with the other kids in creating a king hood , where everyone had a chance to becoming a knight or a cleaner, or a queen or king. The kids also build up their own structure out of pebbles and solid rocks.

We had a couple of showers and it was a last day of Storm Kathrine , the first night was very windy. The second day we have been soaked in water after a very heavy rain and my walking shoes did not dried out until but just the very end of the camp. Thanks Mariam, who lend me his walking boots and wellies , I kept myself reasonable comfortable during our adventure.

It was a great camp and we had a good time together. Thank you Becci, Tony, Andrew and Dan all the hard work what you put into this camp. 
